Deneka & the Digital Era

While I'm always working to expand my skillset, this page is a snapshot of what I currently do in the digital content world. I bring fresh creativity, a willingness to learn and collaborate, adaptability, accountability, punctuality, and an incredibly driven, yet easy-going mentality to any workspace.

UX Writing/Content Design

I've been a UX writer in some capacity for over 8 years now. I created and presently lead the UX writing department for my current company. I write/edit copy for various user interfaces and coordinate with UX designers, product managers, engineers, etc. to ensure consumers have the best user experience possible. This includes headers, description text, tool tips, helper text, side panels, etc. I've also developed multiple content style guides for different companies to improve overall brand consistency.

Content Strategy

As a leader in my current UX department and team lead for previous companies, I've not only suggested and implemented various content strategies, but I've also been the deciding voice during product-wide brainstorm sessions. Whether it's strategizing for UI enhancement, SEO, B2B/B2C expansion, awareness, etc., I can help you improve your current content strategy.

Blogs/Articles/Landing Pages

I've written B2B, B2C, and lifestyle articles for various companies utilizing SEO techniques to bring their brand more awareness, digital integrity, and profit. This not only included writing extensive copy, but also collaborating with designers and engineers to bring these web pages to life. Whether you have a vision in mind or rely on me to get the design ball rolling, I'm here to help bring your website goals to life.

Social Media

I create social media blurbs for various companies and social sites including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I stay up-to-date on social media trends to increase post engagement and brand awareness.

Email Campaigns

I write/edit copy and choose incorporated designs for weekly/monthly email campaigns to match the brand's tone and increase overall consumer engagement.


I've written/edited copy for eBooks, brochures, knowledge bases, and user guides ranging from uniquely creative to highly technical content to meet client needs and expand their consumer base.

© Deneka Bullock